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Integer Data Types

Basic Integer Numbers data types.

NameStorage SizeMin ValueMax Value
TINYINT1 byte-128127
SMALLINT2 bytes-3276832767
INT4 bytes-21474836482147483647
BIGINT8 bytes-92233720368547758089223372036854775807

If you want unsigned integer, please use UNSIGNED constraint, this is compatible with MySQL, for example:

CREATE TABLE test_numeric(tiny TINYINT, tiny_unsigned TINYINT UNSIGNED)

Floating-Point Data Types

Basic Float32/Float64 data types.

NameStorage SizeMin ValueMax Value
FLOAT4 bytes-3.40282347e+383.40282347e+38
DOUBLE8 bytes-1.7976931348623157E+3081.7976931348623157E+308


See Numeric Functions.


CREATE TABLE test_numeric(tiny TINYINT, tiny_unsigned TINYINT UNSIGNED, smallint SMALLINT, smallint_unsigned SMALLINT UNSIGNED, int INT, int_unsigned INT UNSIGNED, bigint BIGINT, bigint_unsigned BIGINT UNSIGNED);

DESC test_numeric;
| Field | Type | Null | Default |
| tiny | TINYINT | NO | 0 |
| tiny_unsigned | TINYINT UNSIGNED | NO | 0 |
| smallint | SMALLINT | NO | 0 |
| smallint_unsigned | SMALLINT UNSIGNED | NO | 0 |
| int | INT | NO | 0 |
| int_unsigned | INT UNSIGNED | NO | 0 |
| bigint | BIGINT | NO | 0 |
| bigint_unsigned | BIGINT UNSIGNED | NO | 0 |